Cake breakers are mechanical devices used to break up solid materials that have adhered and hardened into a solid mass, often referred to as a “cake”. They help reclaim valuable products that would otherwise be wasted due to caking.

filter cake breaker

Only Cake Braker Supplier May Tell You What Caking Is?

Caking refers to the buildup and compaction of powdered or granular particles into a hardened mass due to moisture, heat, pressure or chemical reaction. This results in reduced flowability and clogging of process equipment.

Caking commonly occurs in:

  • Food processing – Sugars, starches, flour, milk powders and spices can cake.
  • Pharmaceuticals – API powders, excipients and granules can exhibit caking.
  • Chemicals – Fertilizers, pigments, dyes and coatings often become caked.
  • Mining – Ore, coal and mineral powders can form hard clumps during storage.

Cake Breaker With Proper Definition

A cake breaker is a mechanical device used to disrupt, break up and refluidize solid masses that have hardened due to caking. Additionally, cake breakers are important industrial processing equipment that help reclaim valuable raw materials and products that would otherwise be wasted due to caking and clumping.

Common types of cake breakers include:

  • Deflectors – Plates or rods that deflect falling material to promote impact and attrition.
  • Beaters – Rotating or reciprocating arms, blades or fingers that shears large chunks.
  • Shafts – Rotating shafts with blades or cutters that tear apart material upon impact.
  • Hammers – Paddles or plates that break up material by repeated impact against anvils.
  • Impactors – Chambers where material is dropped from height to break upon impact.

How Do Cake Breakers Work?

Cake breakers use various forms of mechanical energy to disrupt the bonds that hold caked particles together. Common mechanisms include:

  • Impact – Material is dropped, hit or sheared, creating shock waves to break bonds.
  • Attrition – Repeated collisions between particles or against surfaces grinds material apart.
  • Shear – Rotating blades or inclined walls exert a tearing force that ruptures bonds.
  • Cutting – Knives or cutters mechanically slice through the hardened mass.
  • Compression – Rollers or wheels apply a crushing force to break apart large chunks.

Applications Of Cake Breakers

Cake breakers help reclaim valuable materials by:

  • Food processing plants – Breaking up caked powders to restore flowability.
  • Pharmaceutical manufacturers – Disrupting hardened APIs and granules for further processing.
  • Chemical plants – Refluidizing agglomerated products like dyes, pigments and catalysts.
  • Cement factories – Breaking up clinkers and other materials during grinding operations.
  • Mining operations – Reducing lumps in ore and coal feeds prior to concentration.
  • Waste treatment facilities – Disintegrating sludge and other wastes prior to disposal.